2020 Winter Term
GES051 S2: Media and Cultural Signs
  Language of Instruction: J
  青沼 智 (AONUMA, Satoru)

CREDIT (単位): 3
Lec.(講義) Sem.(演習) Lab.(実験実習) Exe.(実技) Intensive(集中講義)
General Description (概要)
The course examines how meaning is socially constructed through media. Semiotic analysis allows us to reveal the meanings of various signs which we may overlook in everyday life and to open up the possibility of different interpretation.


Important Notes: For Winter 2020/1, all the instructions (lectures, "discussions," exams, etc.) are given online. All the registered students participate in class activities “real time” using Zoom. Materials and other functionalities on Moodle will also be utilized.


A more detailed syllabus and class schedule (including how to access Zoom meeting, etc.) will be posted on Moodle page by 12/4.

The role of the media is not limited to the transmission of information. It may constrain our life, or it may explore channels of communication. Applying rhetorico-semiotic analysis informed by Barthes and others, we examine what kind of messages that different types of media convey to us and how they affect our lives. Overall, this trial is for the purpose of acquiring media literacy. However, we must realize that media literacy in this class is not limited to only the critical reading of messages, but includes wider definitions, such as reflections of ourselves. In order to stimulate classroom discussion and promote student-centered active learning, we adopt some innovative instructional methodologies and strategies (e.g., collaborative learning and writing, group presentation, flip teaching, etc.).





Associated abilities in the ICU Diploma Policy / 関係するICUディプロマ・ポリシー上の能力

Learning Goals(学習目標)
1.To learn basic concepts of rhetoric and semiotics. 
2.To reconsider the meaning of media literacy. 
3.To examine our relationship with media and signs. 

1. レトリック論および記号論の基本的な考え方を学ぶ。
2. メディア・リテラシーとは何かを考える。
3. メディアとしての記号と私たちの関係を見直す。

Week 1 Orientation: Culture, popular culture, and rhetoric
Week 2 Language and rhetoric
Week 3 Non-verbal rhetoric
Week 4 Rhetoric and oral tradition
Week 5 Rhetoric and propaganda; mid-term exam
Week 6 Rhetoric and performing popular culture
Week 7 Mass mediated rhetoric
Week 8 Rhetoric and advertising
Week 9 Rhetoric and the crisis of representation
Week 10 Wrap-up; final exam

Week1 オリエンテーション:文化とレトリック
Week2 言語とレトリック
Week3 非言語とレトリック
Week4 話芸とレトリックの伝統
Week5 レトリックとプロパガンダ、中間試験
Week6 レトリックとポピュラーカルチャーのパフォーマー
Week7 マスメディアのレトリック
Week8 広告のレトリック
Week9 レトリックと表象の危機
Week10 まとめ、期末試験

Language of Instruction(教授言語の詳細)
Lecture: Mainly Japanese
Readings/Materials: Mainly Japanese
Tests/Quizzes/Assignments: Mainly Japanese but English can be used
Discussions/Presentations/Other learning activities: Mainly Japanese but English can be used
Communication with the instructor: Both English and Japanese

Grading Policy(成績評価基準)

Expected study hour outside class(授業時間外学習)
210 minutes per week.


Learning Support Resources for Students (学生のための学修支援リソース)
If there are learning support resources that are especially recommended for this course, they will be listed below.
Here (ICU Internal page) is the list of learning support resources available at ICU.




ICU Policy on Academic Integrity / 学問的倫理基準に関する本学の方針 (レポートや論文執筆における留意事項)