2022 Autumn Term
MCC255 Human Rights and Media
  Language of Instruction: J
  宮田 謙一 (MIYATA, Kenichi)

CREDIT (単位): 3
Lec.(講義) Sem.(演習) Lab.(実験実習) Exe.(実技) Intensive(集中講義)
General Description (概要)
This course critically examines media''s accuntability regarding human rights and pablic access to information.


 Our society is regrettably still not free from various forms of human rights abuses. Some are visible and perceived as such, others are often unnoticed or hidden in some cases deliberately because of the historical, cultural and political implications. Journalism is expected by the society, among other things, to unearth those issues, visible or not, and to draw people’s attention to them, so that the society could address those issues. This is one of the most essential roles of journalism. Sometimes, however, mass media fails to live up to the expectations and plays a part in causing abuses. We would look into both successes and failures by examining specific issues, and evaluate how media performed. Students should understand the complexity of the relationship between human rights of the abused and people’s right to know. It is recommended that students take MCC256 "Introduction to Media Studies" given in the spring term.

1. This course is capped not to exceed 180 students to register. So, those who are thinking to take this course must participate in the pre-registration in summer.

2. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this course is regrettably to be given again ONLINE. However, we have developed precious expertise on online learning after two years of online experience. I am confident that we should be able to achieve the same level of learning as in the normal years without pandemic. Your cooperation is of course necessary. Please be advised that all the information concerning the course is given on MOODLE, and make sure that you get enrolled at the MOODLE page of the course now. No enrollment key is set for the time being.

3.The first class on Sep.7 starts at 3:10pm on zoom, and its URL is given on MOODLE.



Associated abilities in the ICU Diploma Policy / 関係するICUディプロマ・ポリシー上の能力

Learning Goals(学習目標)
・To understand the processes in which human rights abuse cases such as the child abuse and the Buraku-min discrimination have been disclosed, and to learn how journalism has contributed in those processes.

・To understand the complexity of conflicts between protecting victims’ privacy and the public interests based on the people's right to know.

・Controversies over reporting victim’s names will also be examined.

・To develop balanced views of mass media through examining both failures and contributions of reporting.

・To overcome emotionalism in evaluating mass media and journalism.

・To understand that SNS media such as twitter could not only create a freer communication sphere among people, but also be a highly toxic and destructive tool for human rights.

・To think what kind of communication and media tools should be employed in order to build a society where human rights are protected and honored.






 Planned lectures are as follows. Guest speakers are to be invited on some themes.

1. An orientation which covers class schedules, the grading policy and paper assignments.

2. Basics of media criticism and role of journalism.

3. Reporting crime victims. Its difficulties and positive impacts.

4. The conflict between protecting the privacy of victims and the people’s right to know. Why mass media
tries to report real names.

5. Discrimination against the Buraku people. Its historical background and current realities.

6. Reporting conflict-torn areas of the world such as Syria and Myanmar from the standpoint of human rights.

7. Japanese immigration policy and the rights of foreigners trapped in the system.

8. Child sexual abuses and rights of children.

9. Book review presentations by voluntary students. Books are indicated in the class.


1. オリエンテーション。オンライン授業の進め方、講義のテーマと日程、試験、成績評価の方法など。




5. 人権問題としての紛争地取材。シリアとミャンマーを例に。




Language of Instruction(教授言語の詳細)
Lecture: Japanese
Readings/Materials: Japanese
Very high level of Japanese proficiency is required. You should be able to read Japanese language newspapers easily.
Tests/Quizzes/Assignment s:Japanese. English is allowed for comment sheets and a term paper.
Discussions/Presentations/Other learning activities :Japanese.
Communication with the instructor :Japanese. English allowed.


Grading Policy(成績評価基準)
・Participation 20 %  (attendance)
・Comment sheet 20 % (contents to be evaluated. contributions to class discussion and Q&A taken into account)
・Book review presentations additional 10%   (details to be announced later in class)
・Final Paper 60%  (English allowed)
Attendance is controlled by the submission of comment sheet. You can contribute to the Q&A sessions by writing good comment sheets. Comment sheets in English is allowed. 

・参加        20% (出席 2点*10回、オンライン授業でのディスカッションの不参加は減点します)
・コメントシート   20% (Moodleに提出。2点*10回、内容も考慮します)
・期末レポート    60% (英語でも可)

Expected study hour outside class(授業時間外学習)
210 minutes per week. You need to watch a synchronous material on Moodle carefully every week, and write comments for a live lecture on coming Monday. You are also expected to read recommended materials, and get prepared for group discussions on Zoom.



All the materials are to be circulated through Moodle. 


Learning Support Resources for Students (学生のための学修支援リソース)
If there are learning support resources that are especially recommended for this course, they will be listed below.
Here (ICU Internal page) is the list of learning support resources available at ICU.

オンラインの場合、原則90分の録画レクチャーを必ず視聴してください。それに対するコメントシート(意見、感想、問いかけへの回答)を提出します。毎週水曜日午後3時からのライブ授業では、コメシをめぐって議論を続けます。また、zoomのbreakout roomをつかって、小グループによるディスカッションを行います。ちゃんと準備して臨んで下さい。ディスカッションへの不参加は他の学生への迷惑になるので避けてください。不参加は出席点を減点します。

実務経験のある教員/ Faculty who have work experience in business




This course is taught by an academic staff who has work experience in business(実務経験):  Link to ICU Research Information Database:
ICU Policy on Academic Integrity / 学問的倫理基準に関する本学の方針 (レポートや論文執筆における留意事項)