2020 Spring Term
GSS101 Approaches to Gender and Sexuality Studies
  Language of Instruction: J
  生駒 夏美 (IKOMA, Natsumi)/高松 香奈 (TAKAMATSU, Kana)

CREDIT (単位): 3
Lec.(講義) Sem.(演習) Lab.(実験実習) Exe.(実技) Intensive(集中講義)
General Description (概要)
As the foundation course of the Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies, the general frameworks, basic concepts, and historical backgrounds of gender studies will be examined. Based on these understandings, the accumulation and possibilities of gender research and analyses in various disciplines will be described and discussed in order for students to obtain the basic analytical power in dealing with gender analysis in interdisciplinary fields.


We cannot live unaffected by sex or gender. As soon as we are given birth, we are assigned to one sex, and then through our daily life, we are gendered. Everyday, we encounter and perform wide range of social and cultural ideas, values and exercises that constitute the concept of gender. Therefore, to understand matters related to human beings, the perspectives of gender is more than necessary.

This course has been established as a foundation course for the Program of Gender and Sexuality Studies, now the Gender and Sexuality Studies Major. This is an omnibus lecture series, inviting lecturers with various academic and other back ground. The lecturers will then talk to you about the current topics and future development in their own field.

The course aims to 1) enhance the students' understanding of how GSS develops in a respective field, what the current issues are, and what the future development might be, and 2) help them grasp the importance of the perspectives of gender, which is interdisciplinary, 3) to give them an important tool to think deeply about the way the new "knowledge" opened up by the GSS should be, and 4) to encourage them to transform the "knowledge" into actions, or activism in a broad sense.



Associated abilities in the ICU Diploma Policy / 関係するICUディプロマ・ポリシー上の能力

Learning Goals(学習目標)
The students will be able to learn how to analyse human society and culture from the perspectives of GSS. They will obtain an interdisciplinary tool for analysis.


*****Important Notice******

Due to the health concerns, this course will be carried out online.
We are using Google Classroom platform for this course. Please log in Google Classroom using ICU email address, and the class code.
Google Classroom can be reached via any search engine, or by opening the Google application via ICU mail login site.
If you cannot find it, direct your question to TA Chika Okuyama.
If you change your registration after registering at Google Classroom, do not forget to un-register yourself at Google Classroom.

The lectures will be done by short video clips and powerpoint files with audio.
There may be reading materials and visual materials shared on Google Classroom as well. These and lecture files above can be viewed in each student's convenient time.
However, make sure you submit comment sheet via Google Classroom as instructed. For the classes of 9th, 14th, 16th, and 21st April, the deadline for submitting the comment sheet is 23:59 PM on 22 April. For other classes, the deadline for comment sheet is within 24H after the lecture.
Discussions, however, needs to be done in scheduled time slot. Please follow our instruction on Google Classroom.
On a Discussion day, please gather online punctually at 13:15.

How we conduct our course may be changed due to circumstances. We will update you any change on Google Classroom.

Instructors (Ikoma and Takamatsu) will serve as facilitators in all sessions.
In each part, we invite guest lecturers to talk about the their field of specialization from the perspective of gender and sexuality studies.

Part 0.
4/9 Introduction, explanation of this course
4/14 What is GSS part.1.
4/16 What is GSS part 2.
4/21 Yes! to Sexual Diversity, Kazuko Tanaka
4/23 Visual Materials on Google Classroom

Part 1.
4/28 Education and Gender, Mikiko Nishimura
4/30 Economics and Gender, Taisei Kaizoji
5/7 Law and Gender, Mayu Terada
5/12 Group Discussion
5/14 TBA

Part 2.
5/19 History and Gender, Taeko Yamamoto
5/21 Literature and Gender, Juliana Buritica Alzate
5/26 Film and Gender, Olivier Ammour-Mayeur
5/28 Group Discussion
6/2 TBA

Part 3. Gender in Our Community
6/4 Workshop
6/9 Workshop
6/11 Workshop
6/16 Group Discussion, summing up


この授業はGoogle Classroomを利用して行われます。ICUのメールアドレスでGoogle Classroomに入り、クラスコード を入力してください。
Google Classroomは検索したら出てきますし、ICUメールのサイトからGoogle アプリを開いてもたどり着くことができます。
なお、履修を取りやめた場合は、Google Classroomの登録も必ず解除してください。

ただしコメントシートのオンライン提出期限は基本的には授業予定時刻から24時間以内とします。ただし4/21の授業までのコメントシートは4/22 23:59PMを締め切りとします。

ディスカッションはネットを用いて行う予定です。こちらについては後日詳細をGoogle Classroomで発表しますので、指示に従ってください。

授業の進め方は事情次第で変更の可能性があります。Google Classroomで連絡しますので、ご注意ください。
再度になりますが、登録変更される場合は、Google Classroomの登録解除を忘れずに行ってください。


Part 0.
4/9 この授業についての説明、イントロダクション (生駒・高松) Google Classroomに動画、パワーポイントをアップ予定。
4/14 GSSとは何か その1 (生駒・高松)Google Classroomに動画、パワーポイントをアップ予定。
4/16 GSSとは何か その2 (生駒・高松)Google Classroomに動画、パワーポイントをアップ予定。
4/21 多様な性にYes! 講師 田中かず子(生駒・高松) Google Classroomに動画、パワーポイントをアップ予定。
4/23 Google Classroomに 映像課題をアップ予定。(生駒・高松) 

Part 1  
4/28  教育学とジェンダー 西村幹子(生駒・高松)Google Classroomに動画、パワーポイントをアップ予定
4/30 経済学とジェンダー 海蔵寺大成 (生駒・高松)Google Classroomに動画、パワーポイントをアップ予定
5/7   法学とジェンダー 寺田麻佑(生駒・高松)Google Classroomに動画、パワーポイントをアップ予定
5/12 ディスカッション (生駒・高松)
5/14  映像資料予定(TBA)

Part 2.
5/19 歴史学とジェンダー 山本妙子(生駒・高松)
5/21 文学とジェンダー Juliana Buritica Alzate(生駒・高松)
5/26 映画学とジェンダー Olivier Ammour-Mayeur(生駒・高松)
5/28 グループディスカッション (生駒・高松)
6/2 映像資料予定(TBA)

Part 3. 身近な社会の中のジェンダー
6/4 ワークショップ(生駒・高松)
6/9  ワークショップ(生駒・高松)
6/11  ワークショップ(生駒・高松)
6/16 グループディスカッション まとめ (生駒・高松)

Language of Instruction(教授言語の詳細)
Lecture: 日本語 (ゲストによって英語の場合もあり)  Mainly Japanese (some in English)
Readings/Materials: 日本語(英語の場合もあり) Mainly Japanese (some in English)
Tests/Quizzes/Assignments: 日本語  English
Discussions/Presentations/Other learning activities: 日本語 English
Communication with the instructor: 日本語 English

Grading Policy(成績評価基準)

3本のレポートの提出方法:すべてGoogle Classroomを通じて提出する。
1) Part 1 講師の出した課題の中から一つを選び、レポートを執筆・提出。締め切り 5/19 13:00
2) Part 2 講師の出した課題の中から一つを選び、レポートを執筆・提出。締め切り 6/4 13:00
3) Part 3 身近な社会におけるGSSというテーマで、自由にテーマを決め、リサーチを行い、レポートを執筆・提出。締め切り 6/19 24:00
(Part 3はすでにテーマが決まっています。学期の開始当初からご自分で研究を進めてください。Part2の課題を終えるのを待つ必要はありません。)


提出はGoogle Classroomを通じて、「Part I」「Part II」「Part III」それぞれの課題のスレッドにPDFデータを添付で送付すること。

3 papers (each 25%) and Class Participation / Comment Sheet (25%).
You need to write one paper each for Part1 (deadline 19 May 13:00), Part 2 (deadline 4 June 13:00, and Part 3 (deadline 19 June 24:00).
For Part 1 and 2, choose one assignment given by guest lecturers.
For Part 3, choose your own topic in relation to Gender in our community, do some research, and write your paper.
Paper can be written in either Japanese or English.

Max length: 4 pages if written in English (excluding bibliography. No cover page.)
Font Size:11
Format: 31-35 lines per 1 page
Bibliography: At least one academic article/book must be referred.
Paper must be academic, meaning your reaction or impression is not enough. You need to support your argument with credible data or quotation.

The papers must be submitted through Google Classroom.

Expected study hour outside class(授業時間外学習)
210 minutes per week.


Learning Support Resources for Students (学生のための学修支援リソース)
If there are learning support resources that are especially recommended for this course, they will be listed below.
Here (ICU Internal page) is the list of learning support resources available at ICU.

・積極的な授業参加を求める。出席を毎回取る。(online授業時はGoogle Classroomを通じて提出する形とする)。
・コース履修者は必ずGoogle Classroomのこのコースに登録すること。登録法は、1)gmailにicuのメールアドレスでログインし、右上の四角(9つの小さな四角のロゴ)をクリック。下方に出てくるGoogle Classroomのロゴから登録する。登録時には右上の+のマークをクリックし、指定された登録コードを入力すること。



ICU Policy on Academic Integrity / 学問的倫理基準に関する本学の方針 (レポートや論文執筆における留意事項)